Obesity facet joint pain is commonly experienced by overweight individuals. Obesity is a known contributor to many types of back and neck symptoms and can certainly exacerbate structural sources of mechanical pain in the facet joints. However, it is the other related collateral side effects of obesity that should really worry affected patients.
Obesity has become a tremendous problem in developed countries and even in some underdeveloped nations, as well. Doctors have rated obesity as the most significant threat to a person’s health, even more serious than smoking or excessive drinking, since obesity causes a catalog of negative health effects on people and society, as a whole.
This essay investigates how being overweight can worsen facet joint pain. However, we will also discuss the general health risks of obesity and the toll that the modern obesity epidemic has taken on the medical sector.
Obesity Facet Joint Pain Contributors
More weight on the body will cause more stress. It is as simple as that. People who carry extra body weight are proven to suffer earlier and markedly more dramatic spinal degeneration than people with ideal height/weight ratios. Overweight people will most often express earlier and more significant degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis activity on all regions of the spine, but especially in the lower back. More weight on compromised joints will bring more pain. This is proven fact.
Obese people who already have facet joint syndrome will usually report worse symptoms than height/weight proportionate patients with comparable structural conditions. Obese people are less likely to benefit from exercise or physical therapy and will usually rely on drug therapies or surgical remedies for serious pain. These are the 2 most risky of all treatment paths of facet joint problems.
Obesity Facet Syndrome Risks
Facet joint symptoms are just part of the obesity pain problem. Obese people are statistically more likely to suffer all types of back and neck pain than height/weight proportionate people. They are more likely to be depressed and suffer low self-esteem, as well.
Obesity causes truly dire damage to the body, increasing the risks for the most serious health issues a person can possibly face, including heart disease, high blood pressure, risk of stroke and potentially fatal vascular issues. Additionally, obesity is a direct cause of diabetes, skin problems, various metabolic disorders, gland dysfunction and a range of other less significant health concerns.
Doctors rate obesity as the most significant lifestyle risk a person can subject themselves to. Doctors cite evidence that obesity has more ways to injure and kill a person than any other lifestyle factor, including illicit drug use.
Obesity Facet Joint Pain Consequences
Obesity remains a controversial topic in some demographics, since individuals claim to have the full right to live the life they want and be as obese as they choose to be. They report, “This is my body and I can do what I want with it”. We agree with these statements 101%. However, we also agree that people who make these choices must be 101% ready to deal with the consequences of their choices.
Obesity costs taxpayers more than any other health issue. In fact, it costs taxpayers more than all other health issues combined! Social services pays out more money than they actually have available in many countries to cover the ever-growing health expenses of an obese population. Meanwhile some doctors pose the argument, “What is the point of medical intervention for obese people, since the person is basically damning themselves to an early death anyway”.
Obesity is surely a societal problem that affects all of us, monetarily, productivity-related and medical service availability-related. So yes, while the body might be “yours”, the problems are “ours”. Moreover, we do not want to see you suffer from a condition that is correctable.
If this is not reason enough to try harder to be healthy of mind and body, than what is? How about your life? How about those you love and everyone else in the world who might have to pay for your care? Commit to doing what is right for your health. If you need help to lose weight and get in shape, your doctor will be happy to assist you. We wish you the very best of luck and if you succeed, we are virtually sure that your facet joint pain will be less significant than it is now. We want you to succeed for your own sake, your family’s sake and all of our sake.
Facet Joint Pain > Causes of Facet Joint Pain > Obesity Facet Joint Pain