DRX9000 for facet joint pain is a spinal decompression treatment that is nonsurgical and relatively effective. Although spinal decompression is best suited for treating intervertebral disc conditions like herniations and degeneration, many patients have reported good therapeutic outcomes using the treatment to target facet joint symptoms.
DRX9000 is not nearly as popular now as it was years ago. There was a time when it seemed that every chiropractic office in the world had a machine, was saving to buy one, or was wishing for one. Now, finding a DRX9000 care provider can be difficult in America, while second hand units flooding the market have made treatment more accessible in many areas of the world.
This focused essay details the use of DRX9000 spinal decompression as a dedicated therapy for facet joint pain. We will discuss the pros and cons of treatment and provide our opinion based on years of familiarity and use of the DRX system.
DRX9000 for Facet Joint Pain Explained
Nonsurgical spinal decompression using the DRX9000 system is a method of gently separating the spinal bones (decompressing the spine) in an attempt to resolve specific structural issues. Since many cases of facet joint pain are blamed on the reduction in the size of disc spaces due to degeneration and herniation (completely normal for all people to experience), decompression makes sense, at least from a theoretical POV. These patients are often said to be suffering from facet pain since the joints are arthritic due to misalignments and subluxations. Decompression therapy is used to help adjust the spine back into a healthier, optimal alignment.
DRX9000 treatment is performed using a ludicrously expensive computer-controlled machine. The machine is programmed directly by the treating doctor and then it does all the work. The doctor does not actually do anything to treat the patient with their hands. The machine is set to target a specific area of the spine and can be precisely controlled to perform very specific therapeutic manipulations of the vertebral column.
DRX9000 Treatment Benefits
DRX9000 can provide curative treatment without surgery. It is very rare for a conservative therapy to be curative in nature, as most are symptomatic and will never actually cure the underlying source of pain. Decompression can actually alter the structure of the spine and relieve facet joint symptomology permanently. This is great!
DRX9000 enjoys a 75% effectiveness rating for treating average cases of facet joint syndrome. This is very positive, but does not take into account the actual degree of benefit offered, the powerful placebo effect that this treatment can create, or the recurrence rate for pain beyond a certain limited timeline. Still, 3 out of 4 patients cite relief and that is excellent.
DRX9000 has very few risks when performed by a qualified, knowledgeable caregiver. DRX9000 also does not exclude a patient from trying any other type of treatment now or in the future should it fail to deliver satisfying results.
DRX9000 is not normally painful and some patients actually report enjoying the treatment. Most patients who have bad experiences cite anxiety and fear of the apparatus more than actual injury or pain.
DRX9000 for Facet Joint Pain Downsides
There are some serious downsides of spinal decompression therapy that need to be weighed against the benefits reported above:
DRX9000 is very expensive, with the cost of treatment totaling thousands of dollars in a relatively short time of a month or 2. Worse still, insurance coverage for the therapy is virtually nonexistent, which means that out-of-pocket expenditure will be high. This fact places the treatment out of reach of many patients with limited financial means.
DRX9000 is very time consuming, since the patient must attend sessions daily for about 2 weeks and then several times a week for 2 to 6 weeks more. Each session might last 30 to 60 minutes on average, depending on the routine used by each care provider.
Nonsurgical spinal decompression has come under fire as a potential scam and is now very controversial, especially in medical circles. The manner in which several decompression system manufacturers have responded to complaints and investigations has not helped matters, with many companies simply closing up shop completely.
In summary, DRX9000 is not perfect. However, it is proven to be effective and safe for facet joint pain, can provide curative results and is certainly a much better option than surgery for many patients. For this reason, we continue to encourage patients to investigate the treatment for themselves and make up their own minds about its appeal and efficacy.
Facet Joint Pain > Facet Joint Treatment > DRX9000 for Facet Joint Pain